Friday, February 04, 2011

CK Friday Links--Friday February 4, 2011

Greetings from Santiago Chile! I'll be blogging from here for the next couple of months while I brush up on my Spanish language skills. For those of you who are curious, I'll be working yet again with the great teachers at Escuela Fronteras--an exceptional language school here in the Providencia neighborhood of Santiago.

As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.

PS: Sigame en Twitter!

Okay, so why doesn't Michael Pollan recommend we buy only books made within a few miles of where we live, made with locally-manufactured paper? Counterintuitive thoughts on the real carbon footprint of food. (Penguin Blog)

Can happiness be bought? Surprising conclusions from extremely expensive products. (TED Talks)

When your heart is hungry. (The Weight Loss Cafe)

The first rule in feeding a picky kid: you must try everything. (Green Lite Bites)

Recipe Links:
Striking! 12 Minute Mini-Lasagna Cups. (Jersey Girl Cooks)

Deeply disturbing, yet somehow still delicious: Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookie Sandwiches. (Picky Palate)

This is how you really make French Toast. Seriously. (, via The Simple Dollar)

Off-Topic Links:
60 tips for a stunningly great life. (Robin Sharma)

A brief glossary explaining the different types of copyrights for writers. (Poets & Writers, via @elizabethscraig)

Why every minimalist should carry a sense of humor. Just in case. (Youtube, via @30sleeps)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

Help support Casual Kitchen by buying Jules Clancy's exceptional new e-cookbook 5 Ingredients, 10 Minutes (see my rabidly positive review here). Or, support CK by buying Everett Bogue's revolutionary book The Art of Being Minimalist. (These are both affiliate links, so if you decide to make a purchase, you'll help fund all of the free content here at CK!)

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  1. The TED talk was funny.
    The chocolate chip Oreo cookies. Yes.
    The 60 tips were marvelous.

    But ohmygodthevideo. I laughed so hard, I don't even know where to begin. The win thing is overused but this video truly = WIN.

  2. Me too!!! That was one of the funniest videos I've seen in a long time. It totally nails minimalism. In a good way.

    If you ever see me in public talking to someone and I start listing all of my possessions, please stop me. :)


  3. Will do, Dan. Will do. ;)

    "Third world countries. They're already minimalists."



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