Retro Sundays

This Week in History at Casual Kitchen:

How to Make Your Own Inexpensive Sports Drink (November 2007)
This post will take 15 seconds to read and it will save you hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of dollars over your lifetime. Never again overpay for heavily-advertised Gatorade or Powerade.

Reader Questions and Answers on Raw Foods and My Raw Food Trial (November 2009)
My raw food trial unleashed a slew of Q&A from readers curious about the psychological and nutritional effects of the diet, how much extra it cost, what my food cravings were, and how much of a pain in the ass it was to cut up all those veggies. One helpful reader even warned me that my colon would blow. Um, it didn't, thank goodness. Bonus post: see also Four Final Conclusions From My Raw Foods Trial.

Malcolm Gladwell Was Completely Wrong About Cooking (November 2009)
When it comes to cooking, don't believe a word of Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 Hour Rule. Read this post to learn how to become a good cook--and I mean a really good cook--in a matter of days.

Follow-Up Thoughts on The Realities of Your Grocery Store (November 2010)
You'll never guess what the primary source of incremental profits is in grocery stores these days--and it has serious ramifications for consumers.

Ten Frugal Things We Do (November 2010)
Thanks to readers, who contributed a huge list of their favorite frugal habits in the comments, this post crowdsourced an enormous collection of great ideas and advice for saving money.

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