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Creepy ways food companies give low-fat foods that high-fat mouthfeel and texture. (NPR, via Summer Tomato)
Mastering the art of food gift giving. (Stonesoup) Bonus Post: Seven lessons from an Argentine grillmaster.
In case you hadn't heard: last week, Congress lifted a ban on horsemeat. (Eatocracy)
Speaking of politics: Did she or did she not? Questions about whether Michelle Obama has given up trying to get food companies to stop marketing junk foods to kids. Hey, it's an election year people! (Food Politics)
Why morning workouts are better. (344 Pounds)
Recipe Links:
How to make Whole Roasted Garlic. (Eating Rules)
Laughably easy Mushroom Stock. (Happy Herbivore) Bonus Post: How to freeze tofu.
Off-Topic Links:
The USA is a country of wildly imprudent and slobby people--especially with money. An except from Ben Stein's new book What Would Ben Stein Do.
Smoking helps your distance running? How even the most idiotic health claims can be "proven." (PLoS Blog)
Tell the voice of negativity to take a hike and listen to that other voice, the one that gets drowned out. (Kitchen Bitsch)
Why on Earth do people idolize Steve Jobs? (Rachel Rofe)
Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!
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When you link to one of my posts, it makes me feel like Nigella called to wish me happy birthday.
KB that is one of the nicest things anybody has ever said to me. :)
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