Are you looking to add eggs to your diet? Here are the specific posts at Casual Kitchen you can turn to for help:
Seven Ways to Jazz Up Your Morning Eggs
How to Make Pickled Eggs
How to Make a Simple Frittata
The 911 Frittata
Egg on Tata
An Easier Way to Crack An Egg: Blunt Force Trauma
How to Make a Perfectly Boiled Egg Every Time
How Do I Follow the Wheat Belly Diet?
How to Fight Back Against Overpriced Cereal
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I eat a salad at dinner every night. On Sundays I cook up a batch of hard boiled eggs. I make enough to put one in each salad, then a couple extra to nosh on when I'm hungry after work and in the middle of making dinner.
I always buy my eggs at Costco because it's the cheapest place to get them For the price of one dozen I get two dozen Eggland's Best eggs.
Don't be afraid of buying a lot of eggs either, they stay good for a long time in the fridge. It's always an excuse to make something tasty like chocolate mousse! Not to mention a nice warm breakfast on the weekend.
More ideas of ways to add eggs to your diet:
I do love butter basted eggs on whole grain toast or hash browns.
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