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The most common Thanksgiving mistake and how to avoid it. (stonesoup)
How to truss and spit a turkey for rotisserie cooking. (Dad Cooks Dinner)
You thought processed foods were bad. How about ultra-processed foods? (Food Politics)
Surprisingly tolerable ways to save surprising amounts of money using powdered milk. (Home Ec 101) Bonus Post: Why do you tent a turkey with foil?
Recipe Links:
Easy, inexpensive and effing spectacular Homemade Barbecue Sauce. (Alosha's Kitchen)
Slow-Cooker White Bean and Lentil Chili--featuring an existential comment debate on whether "real" chili contains beans. (The Ungourmet)
Crisp, brightly colored and authentic Chinese Stir-Fried Chicken with Vegetables. (Use Real Butter)
Off-Topic Links:
Laziness has changed. (Seth's Blog)
How statistics trick people--including doctors. (A Country Doctor Writes)
Why relying on investment income to "make" a living is far less risky than relying on an employer for a paycheck. (Early Retirement Extreme)
How to stop struggling with a past you cannot forgive or forget. (Far Beyond the Stars)
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Thanks for the linking. :D
Have you always read Jen (use real butter)? I just met her a couple of weeks ago. Long-time bloggy friend of mine. Her food and her photos are always phenomenal.
I read the common Thanksgiving mistake article the other day. GUILTY. This year I am cutting back by one dish AND cutting the size of some of the dishes (like the dressing) in half. I learned in 2008 and 2009 what was too much. I hope.
Interesting article on ultra-processed foods. That's all I'll say for now because lately I've been so psycho about food issues in our culture I'm likely to run off like a crazy person if I get started.
Loved the Everett Bogue post so much. In conjunction with Ellie's post from Monday about time and her son "the zen master," it's been a week full of good reminding. Everett's post also reminded me of a great line from Einstein's Dreams:
"For a life in the past cannot be shared with the present. Each person who gets stuck in time gets stuck alone."
If you've ever gone a stretch being completely stuck in time, that makes complete (painful) sense.
I found the article on ultra-processed foods very interesting. Type 3 foods have almost totally vanished from our house, but it brings up the question of where the line is? Where does something like cheese fall?
Also, chili DOES NOT have beans in it, ever! It's a stew or a thick soup.
Daniel, thanks for stopping by my site and leaving such a wonderful comment. I had your blog on my blogroll from the beginning, and coming from you, the kind words mean a lot. Really. I am so flattered.
Do I need to apologize for lurking without leaving a comment? I guess I am just too shy:)
But I have been following you for a long time...and enjoying your writing.
Melissa: Anytime. Keep running those effing amazing recipes! And I've gotta agree with you on Everett--he's been writing some really good stuff lately. Puts things in perspective.
Cynthia, thanks for your thoughts. If you look at my Stacked Costs and Second Order Foods post, I'd say yes, cheese is clearly "processed." But then again, so is Plumpy'nut, an emergency food designed with enormous energy density to help combat malnutrition. I think this issue cuts a lot of ways and these foods are not definitionally bad. Of course, if you're sedentary you cannot center your diet around these foods and expect to remain healthy.
Lana, you are welcome--and thank you right back! And no need at all to apologize. I have literally thousands of lurkers, so you are among plenty of friends here. But please feel free to join in on the conversation at any time. :)
I had read the blog on stacked costs and as always found something new to take away on a repeat reading. What I was wonder was is: Are things like cheese and other dairy products Type 2 or Type 3 foods? Where is something like the goat cheese I make with milk from my SiL flock fall?
Cynthia, in my lexicon of first-order and second-order foods, cheese is a second-order food.
Under the definitions of the article on "ultra-processed" foods, I'm not sure. I'd say you could call it a Type 1 food, under the logic that it fits the definition of "unprocessed or minimally processed foods that do not change the nutritional properties of the food."
Once again, being processed or being a second-order food isn't necessarily a bad thing per se. It's just a term that explains why that food is likely to be more expensive than, say, the plain unprocessed milk that the cheese is made from.
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