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An excellent and moving post on what it's really like to be on food stamps. (Kitchen Mage)
Do locavores make us less safe? Read critically. (Freakonomics Blog)
Vegans! It is now unethical to eat "mock meats." Oh, and a sense of humor is punishable by death. (The Vegan Ideal)
We have to figure out a way to win these little battles because they lead to permanent changes. And we have to be honest even when it’s embarrassing. (Ben Does Life)
Recipe Links:
Mess with your kids' minds! Threaded Spaghetti Hot Dog Bites. (Very Culinary)
Easy, healthy and delicious: Green Lentil Soup with Coconut Milk and Warm Spices. (Eats Well With Others)
Spectacular: Pressure Cooker Osso Bucco. (Dad Cooks Dinner)
Off-Topic Links:
Insightful thoughts on the value of hard work and Maslow's heirarchy of needs. (The Simple Dollar)
Ahhhh, so this is what's always bugged me about Tim Ferriss' blog. (Matt Metzgar)
Five ways to listen better. (TED Talks)
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That Vegan Ideal post sure is, um, something. Ahem.
The food stamp post was really moving. Thanks for linking to it.
The Ben Does Life one. I know of the hiding and the regret and the justification, not just with the addiction I beat last year, but with food and more recently with cigarettes. I quit smoking (yeah, again) two weeks ago after coming clean to Steve that I had been using my inhaler again AND smoking. More like using it so I could still smoke without him thinking my breathing was getting bad again. When I was honest, the solution also seemed more obvious and I had helpful, loving support. It's that honesty step that's so hard, because of shame. All of us have to keep fighting that.
Melissa: I actually tried to leave a comment on that Vegan Ideal post (something on the order of, "You know that this post will reduce the number of people who want to try vegetarianism or veganism, right? I mean, if vegans can't have a sense of humor, who's gonna want to be one?"), but the blogger never published it.
The Ben Does Life website was new to me--I'd never seen it before. But after reading that post it instantly went into my RSS reader.
And yes, Kitchen Mage is a very skilled writer. That was an excellent post. Thanks as always for the feedback and for reading.
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