When High-Fat Food ... Can Actually Be Healthy For You (November 2007)
Believe it or not, it's okay, occasionally, to eat energy-dense, fat-laden food. This controversial article was one of my early explorations of diet and athletic training.
Groundnut Stew: A Classic and Exotic Vegetarian Recipe (November 2007)
One of the most popular recipes in CK's history, this healthy, hearty and laughably cheap recipe combines everyday ingredients into a stew so exotic you'll hardly believe you made it in your own home.
Ten Tips on How to Cut Your Food Budget Using the 80/20 Rule (November 2008)
By now most readers know my near-fetish for the 80/20 Rule. This post--one of the most popular of 2008--contains a entire barrage of hilariously easy ways to save money on food and kitchen expenses.
How to Write A Killer Links Post (November 2009)
Links are the currency of the internet, and this post explains how to spread link love and attract new readers by sharing other peoples' content on your blog. PS: There are so many bad high-traffic blogs out there that it literally offends me to see a good blog go unread.
Speed-Weaning: How to End Your Caffeine Addiction in Just Three Days (November 2009)
The idea of weaning myself from coffee was utterly inconceivable until I discovered this easy, three-day process. Try it, and you'll see that kicking the caffeine habit is far easier than you'd think. (For the raw-curious readers out there, this was a critical preliminary step before my 100% raw foods trial.)
Organic Food, Chemicals, and Worrying About All the Wrong Things (November 2010)
There are lots of ways we can control the health risks we face in our lives. However, when you pay up for organic foods, make sure you're not paying up for the illusion of control. Interestingly, I thought I'd get far more pushback from readers on this post than I actually got.
Divorce Yourself from the False Reality of Your Grocery Store (November 2010)
Why does your local grocery store so often sell products at prices that are totally divorced from their value? There's a good reason for it--and it's not what you think.
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